Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 4-24 Translations

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Here’s Episode 4-24~! Ahhhh every single chapter with Octavinelle in it has been such a treat~! It’s such a great thing to see Azul back to his cunning self, to be honest! That’s what we love him for, after all~!

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 4: The Tactician of the Hot Sands]

Chapter 24: “Board Review!”

[LOCATION: Scarabia Dorm – Empty Private Room]

GRIM: Kalim was in a good mood today.
AZUL: Yes, to me it seemed like the usual Kalim-san.
GRIM: His eyes get so much narrower when he’s angry and he speaks in a scary way, yanno?
JADE: Is that an indicator of his mood, I wonder?
FLOYD: What do you mean?
JADE: I simply cannot fathom Kalim-san being as moody as Floyd, after all…
JADE: I feel as if there’s some other underlying factor to consider.
GRIM: Jamil said it’s ‘cause they couldn’t place during the Magift Tournament and during the tests.
FLOYD: Eh~? Was Rakko-chan the type to worry about that?
GRIM: Otter…?
JADE: He’s talking about Kalim-san. Floyd loves nicknaming people after sea creatures.
JADE: He refers to you fondly as Azarashi-chan due to your slightly pudgy and adorable silhouette as well.
GRIM: “Pudgy” sounds like an insult, yanno!
FLOYD: Rakko-chan’s always smiling and moving to the beat of his own drum like an otter, right?
AZUL: Indeed. He is very cheerful, and I just cannot imagine him becoming very unstable just because of one bad grade.
AZUL: There is a high possibility that the cause is entirely something else.
AZUL: It seems like becoming more familiar with him will be helpful with solving our problem.
AZUL: Jade, can I ask you to have a little “talk” with him for a little bit?
JADE: Understood. However, Jamil-san might pose as a little bit of a challenge.
JADE: Kalim-san on the other hand might “talk” without problems.
FLOYD: Then, I’m gonna go play with Umihebi-kun while you do that~
AZUL: Very good. I shall accompany you.
ALL: Fufufu…

GRIM: Their eyes are definitely saying something else, yanno…

[LOCATION: Scarabia Dorm – Jamil’s Room]

JAMIL: (sigh)… Kalim’s deciding things on his own again.
JAMIL: Does he know how hard I’ve worked for this… Damn it…!
JAMIL: Kalim’s already asleep, so there shouldn’t be any more problems for now.

(knock, knock)

JAMIL: Who could it be at this hour…?

AZUL: Good evening, Jamil-san.
FLOYD: Hello~~
GRIM: We’re intruding!

YUU: Sorry for visiting so late.
YUU: Sorry for the crowd.

JAMIL: !! … What do you need?
AZUL: We found a board game I have never seen before when Kalim-san toured us around his treasure vault.
AZUL: Kalim-san explained the rules to me, but I simply couldn’t follow.
FLOYD: How do you play this board game? What’s with the holes and jewels…?
JAMIL: Oh, that’s Mancala. It’s a popular board game back at home. (1)
AZUL: I am part of the Board Game Club, so I am naturally curious. Would you please play a game with us?
FLOYD: Me, too~! I wanna play with Umihebi-kun~! Aha~~
GRIM: There’s no way the great Grim’ll back out from a contest, yanno!
JAMIL: … Kalim’s asleep already, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
JAMIL: I understand. My room can’t accommodate this many people, so let’s move to the lounge.

[To be continued]


(1) Mancala is a pretty popular board game and according to Wikipedia-sensei, it is one of the oldest games to exist. I am not an expert in it, so I can’t say much about the rules and stuff, but it is pretty historically rich~!
I’m surprised to find out it’s similar to our country’s “sungka” board game~! XD


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

2 thoughts on “[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 4-24 Translations

  1. woah… I didn’t expect that Translator-san is from the same country as I am. When I first searched it up, I immediately thought that “oh It’s sungka” huehue
    by the way, keep up the good work!


    1. Hello~!! I was surprised when I first read about it, too! I didn’t know of “mancala” so I looked it up and I just went “Ay, sungka pala” XD


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