Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 4-1 Translations

Happy Scarabia Main Story update day~!!! I’ve waited so long after that really thrilling cliff-hanger from Octavinelle’s last chapter!! I wonder how everything is going to unfold for these two though!!

Oh, but how did everyone enjoy Beans Day though~? Did you manage to unlock and win in all the battles?

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 4: The Tactician of the Hot Sands]

Chapter 01: “Holiday Arrival!”

YUU: A dry… desert?

[Dream Sequence – Sorcerer of the Desert]

JAFAR: You’re late.
GAZIM: What you’re asking for is very hard to get.
JAFAR: Trust me, you imbecile.
JAFAR: Go on, after it!
JAFAR: Hurry!
JAFAR: My dreams of long will finally be fulfilled. It’s the Cave of Wonders.
IAGO: Cave of Wonders!
JAFAR: Listen, you are to bring only the lamp, ONLY the lamp, understood!?
CAVE OF WONDERS: Who wakes me from my slumber?

[Dream Sequence – Sorcerer of the Desert – END]

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Your Room]

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Your Room]

YUU: So it’s a dream about the desert this time?
YUU: That was a new scenery…

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Hallway]

GHOST A: Oh, Yuu. Why do you look so sleepy?
GHOST B: You look like you’ve seen a ghost, hihihi!.
GHOST C: Today’s the last day of the fall semester. Brace yourself so you don’t end up like a lot of those other carefree young’uns, okay?
GHOST A: Oh, yeah! Tomorrow’s the start of the winter holiday? Do you have any plans already?
GRIM: Hm? Winter holiday…? Wazzat?
GHOST A: It’s winter break. Most of the students go home to their families to celebrate until the new year. I hear there’s a lotta feasts, too!
GRIM: Wha–!? Feasts!?
GHOST C: Indeed! There’s roast turkey, cakes, and even gingerbread. Well, it’s not like we can eat it.
GHOST A: There are ghosts who go to the other world to spend time with their families, too.
GHOST B: But there are some who don’t return here! Hihihi!
GRIM: Spending time with family while eating a feast…

YUU: Do you have a family, Grim?
YUU: I wonder if Headmaster is actually searching for a way to get me back to my own world…

[CHOICE B:] *Choice A just skips Grim’s suggestion.

GRIM: We’re talkin’ about the Headmaster, so he’s probably forgotten all ‘bout it, yanno?
GRIM: Go hound him properly, okay?
GHOST A: That’s right! What about your family, Grim, boy?
GRIM: My family? Hm… I don’t remember much about them.
GRIM: I feel like I just woke up alone and hungry.
GRIM: It was really cold and I remember waiting for a long time for someone to come get me…
GRIM: … And then, what happened after that again…? I can’t remember much.
GRIM: Well, I’m not the type to dwell on the past, yanno!
GRIM: The future matters more! After all, I’m gonna become a super great magician! Gahahaha!
GHOST A: You’ve had your fair share of trouble, too, huh~!
GHOST C: Won’t it be fun to spend the holidays together with us this year then?
GRIM: Nyaha! We’ll have a feast! I’m excited for the holidays!

[LOCATION: Classroom]

CREWEL: Listen, you pups.
CREWEL: Holidays start tomorrow… I understand that you want to go home and have fun.
CREWEL: However, there are a lot of students who frolic so much that they forget to do their homework!
CREWEL: A strict disciplinary action is waiting for pups like that when they get back. Be careful.
CREWEL: You’ve been given permission to go home via the Mirror at one o’clock. Get your belongings and stand in front of the Mirror when you’re ready.
STUDENTS: Yes, sir!

(Students chatting…)

ACE: Phew, we’ll finally be released from our cramped dorm room~!
DEUCE: As expected from Night Raven College… This is a lot of homework.
ACE: Oh, yeah. You haven’t found a way to get back to your old world yet, huh.
DEUCE: That means… You’ll be spending your holidays at the dorm?
GRIM: Yeah! We promised to have a feast with the ghosts, yanno!
ACE: I see. There’re a lotta ghosts at school, so you’re not completely alone.
DEUCE: Hm? But if the school’s at break, doesn’t that mean that the stores and cafeteria are on break, too?
GRIM: Wha–!? That’s right! What’re we gonna do about my feast then!?

YUU: I don’t wanna starve during winter break.
YUU: I’d like to think that the Headmaster has a plan… I hope he does…

DEUCE: I guess it’s best that we consult with the Headmaster directly.
ACE: I heard that he was getting the Mirror ready, so he might still be there? Let’s check it out.

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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