Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Idia Shroud – “Broomquet Birthday” Story Translations

Today is December 18, which means it is Idia’s birthday~! Oh, man…! I was really hoping I would get him when they released his banner, and it took quite a bit of pulls, but he’s now home! He looks really cute in the Broomquet outfit, too~! I hope that you all get him if you’re pulling for him! ♡ ~(‘▽^人)
His banner is live until the 22nd, if I’m remembering correctly~

I don’t usually post personal stories, and I’m sure other translations for it are already available, but I just wanted to do this as a really self-indulgent thing ヽ(・∀・)ノ Gotta celebrate my boy somehow!
He’s one of my best boys, and his birthday is actually pretty close to mine, so I couldn’t help it~! wwwww

I compiled all three chapters of the SSR personal story here since they’re fairly short, and I didn’t want to make a masterpost for a non-event story ^^; Thank you for understanding!

Please read with caution.

Tomorrow, December 19, will be the long-awaited Diasomnia update! I don’t know how quickly I can get to the chapters, but I’ll try and work on them when it goes live, too. Just so I can complete my little collection XD See you guys there!

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Broomquet Birthday – Chapter 1]

“Happy Birthday”
Idia Shroud

[LOCATION: Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

IDIA: Ah well, here we go again. Welcome to the compulsory birthday party no one asked for. Yay~…  clap-clap.
IDIA: (sighs) I could’ve done this whole interview via tablet, tbh~ The whole vibe will rely on the designated presenter, too…

???: Excuse me.
RIDDLE: I, Riddle Rosehearts, will be your presenter today. Happy birthday, Idia-senpai.
IDIA: ASFJKL!! H-hello… I– I guess I’ll take this over some hyperactive normie…
RIDDLE: We rarely get the chance to meet and talk face to face, so let’s get started with the interview.
IDIA: I’m kinda glad we can skip the small talk, Sir Riddle. Hit me.
RIDDLE: Very well, here’s the first question.
RIDDLE: “If you could fly anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?”
RIDDLE: For uniformity’s sake, let’s pretend that magical energy is not an issue…
IDIA: I– I’m not going anywhere. I’ll book a flight to my own room, thanks.
RIDDLE: Yes, I expected as much. You’re really consistent, I’ll give you that…
RIDDLE: However, the rule states that you must answer the questions. Force yourself to come up with an answer if you have to.
IDIA: Sheesh… Maybe we should change the title from “Birthday Interview” to “Threatening Your Seniors 101”.

IDIA: Hm… A place I wanna visit, huh… Ah!
RIDDLE: Are you ready to answer?
IDIA: Hydra’s Valley sounds like an okay place.
RIDDLE: Hydra’s Valley… Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s the canyon by the Kingdom of Heroes’ cliffs, isn’t it?
IDIA: Yeah, that. Legend says that a nine-headed monster used it as a lair.
RIDDLE: Well, I’ll be! I didn’t expect you to choose such an extreme area.
IDIA: Uh, no one said I’ll be climbing the thing. There’s another reason why I wanna go there, actually…
RIDDLE: May I ask what it is?
IDIA: They filmed my favorite childhood movie there.
RIDDLE: You mean to say, you want to see the set with your own eyes…?
IDIA: Yup. CGs and drones weren’t as sophisticated back then, so the cast and crew actually scaled those cliffs.
IDIA: I heard their cameraman was a mage and that he took some really good shots while flying, too…!
IDIA: It’s like, super cool! The cliffs are so high and intimidating that my palms sweat just by looking at videos!
IDIA: If it looked that cool on film, then it’ll look cooler in person… Rubbernecking, ya feel me?
RIDDLE: I understand the desire to experience and learn something new. I hope you get to go visit there someday.
IDIA: Welp, my flying technique isn’t gonna get me anywhere for sure.
IDIA: Even if I do get there, it’ll take a lot of time and stamina to fully appreciate it…
IDIA: The only solution is to stay indoors and experience it via 360° VR!
IDIA: If we could add smell and wind to the equation, it’d totally rock.
IDIA: … Maybe I could build it myself to create an open-world game someday.

[To be continued]

[LOCATION: Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

RIDDLE: Here’s the next question.
RIDDLE: “What’s your best subject?”
IDIA: Let me think… Summoning, I guess.
RIDDLE: It’s a difficult magical practice that requires extensive knowledge to perform timely and complicated procedures. Not to mention there’s the need for accuracy.
RIDDLE: I’ve heard that most find it very daunting… Of course, my Heartslabyul students are no exception.
RIDDLE: What sort of methods did you use to study, Idia-senpai? I would like to learn from you.
IDIA: I mean… I didn’t really take any special lessons, if that’s what you’re asking…
RIDDLE: How did you manage to get good at it?
IDIA: Typing long commands under a limited time, clearing missions in a specific order…
IDIA: Trading rare ingredients and plants to get the beasts and fairies to help…
IDIA: I guess I kinda got used to it since those are all common gaming tropes.
RIDDLE: That’s amazing! I didn’t know there were games that could help with Summoning practice! May you share them with me sometime?
IDIA: Oh, my god~ You really think everything in this world has to have a purpose, huh, Riddle Rosehearts…
IDIA: I mean, simulations are good and accessible, but it’s really up to the person if they’re able to execute what they learned.

IDIA: Think of Summoning as collecting rare books or trophies.
IDIA: Nothing can beat the sense of accomplishment that comes from analyzing the logic behind a complex set of spells to summon a rare species.
RIDDLE: I can’t quite grasp everything, but… I take it that enjoying the process helps with the learning, yes?
RIDDLE: I apologize if it’s sudden, but may I ask you a personal question, Idia-senpai?
IDIA: Huh…? “Sudden” & “question” don’t sound good together, but… if it’s anything I can answer, then… shoot.
RIDDLE: Thank you very much.
RIDDLE: I read your thesis on Magical Engineering, and you talked about practical application by building a robot that cleans your room, but…
RIDDLE: “To clean” is such a broad term on its own. For a mage such as yourself–
RIDDLE: –wouldn’t it be more efficient to summon a helper instead of building a machine from scratch?
IDIA: You’d constantly need to supply familiars or fairies or whatever with energy if you want them to work for you.
IDIA: Sure, small fairies don’t need much, and they’re really easy to summon, but…
IDIA: Pushing a button to clean pieces of trash is much easier.
RIDDLE: Did you build a robot just for that purpose? Wouldn’t it be easier to just pick them up yourself…!?
IDIA: The point is, I don’t want to move. Period. Let’s get back to the interview, Sir Riddle.

[To be continued]

[LOCATION: Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

RIDDLE: Here’s the final question.
RIDDLE: “What’s one thing you want to try doing this year?”
IDIA: … Going out.

RIDDLE: WHAT!!??? Do my ears deceive me…?
IDIA: Nope. But yeah, that’s the reaction I was expecting.
IDIA: Ortho said he found a really good hamburger shop in town.
IDIA: They’re doing a limited-time collab, so I thought I should go visit before it’s over…
RIDDLE: Is that so…? I don’t really see the appeal…
IDIA: Ah, yeah. I doubt you’d understand.
IDIA: I can loiter by the Whistle Park from morning ‘til night, too. Well, if my stamina holds out.
RIDDLE: You’ll be outside for the whole day!!?? … Pardon me. What will you do when you get to Whistle Park?
IDIA: Huh? Of course I’ll be gaming.
RIDDLE: Going out just to play games!?
IDIA: IKR!!!!!!!!!!!!
IDIA: I jumped online as soon as I heard my fave game was releasing new content…
IDIA: Imagine my devastation when I heard it was a location-based game!!
RIDDLE: L-location-based game…?
IDIA: They’re games that use your phone’s GPS to help you play. Games that force you to go out are all the rage recently.
RIDDLE: O-oh, so you’re not going to the hamburger shop to eat, but to…
IDIA: You can get items and challenge other players there, what else?
IDIA: FYI, Whistle Park is as elite as areas in the Sage’s Island go. The rewards are soooo worth it.
RIDDLE: I should’ve known. That game must be quite… something if it can force you to go out…
IDIA: No, not really. The system’s meh, and it’s an introvert’s worst nightmare.
IDIA: But Ortho wanted to play with me, so he started looking up places we can check out…
IDIA: He said we can start with somewhere close, and I kinda just went with it, so…
IDIA: … Going on adventures with Ortho while we’re here sounds like a sweet deal to me.

RIDDLE: That will be all for the interview, thank you. I learned a lot about you today.
RIDDLE: All that’s left is to fly around Birthday Road. Here’s your broom.
IDIA: You make it sound so easy… Plus, this broom’s so over-the-top, I’ll stick out like a sore thumb…
RIDDLE: Over-the-top? I think it’s pretty tame, and that it looks good with your costume.
RIDDLE: Ortho’s waiting to see you fly, too. Please go on and see him.
IDIA: Hih! There’s Sir Riddle’s unabashed praise! I can’t… Imma escape while I can.

IDIA: Be one with the wind, be one with the wind, be one with the wind… Don’t be scared. You can do it!!



Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

One thought on “[Twisted Wonderland] Idia Shroud – “Broomquet Birthday” Story Translations

  1. Thank yo I’m really wanted to read his bloom birthday!

    Can I ask you translate Rook bloom birthday? Just because Leona is sound the interview, and can’t help to crack to imagine the lion and the hunter in the same room hahahaahah


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