Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-89 Translations

Chapter 89! This is the last of the Ignihyde chapters, and as per TWST tradition, it ends with a little preview/teaser for what’s about to come in the next dorm, a.k.a. Diasomnia!
Lilia’s been saying some really concerning stuff, and I’m getting worried about him… Also, on a grand scale, I still don’t know what to make of Malleus… I guess it’s all for us to find out in the next update!

Thank you for sticking with me on this adventure with Ignihyde, and for all your patience as well~! The official English game is starting with Episode 5, so there might not have been much point with me doing this, but I had fun and I had tons of revelations, too~!
I hope that you guys liked it as much as I did~! Enjoy~! (´。• ω •。`) ♡

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 89: “Budding Attachment!”

[LOCATION: Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]

LILIA: Well, well. It looks like all this confusion has finally come to a conclusion.
SILVER: Yes, the stables and the grounds have been renovated, so we’re back to our usual activities.
SILVER: Riddle’s hair is back to normal, so he was able to attend today’s club meeting as well.
SEBEK: This peace is thanks in part to the Young Master.
SEBEK: Everyone should bow before the Young Master and revel before his presence!!!!
SILVER: Quiet, Sebek. You do not want to disturb Lord Malleus now, do you?
MALLEUS: ……………
SILVER: Lord Malleus?
MALLEUS: …… Hm? Ah, yes. I see.
LILIA: Daydreaming, are we?
SEBEK: Goodness! Are you feeling unwell because you’ve shared your powers to those beneath you!?
MALLEUS: Hmph, and you believe that much is enough to wear me down?
SEBEK: N-no, perish the thought…! Please forgive me for speaking out of turn.
LILIA: Do not show such expressions then, Malleus.
LILIA: You do not have that much liberty as the successor.
MALLEUS: ………… Yes, I know.


LILIA: Hm? Who could it be–? Oh, if it isn’t GloomySamurai!
SEBEK: What a strange alias… Are they the comrade in arms you’ve mentioned, Lord Lilia?
LILIA: In a sense, yes. He is my online friend.
LILIA: He mentioned having to take care of things, so I was getting worried he’d stop playing, but… It looks like he is back.
LILIA: Let’s see… “Are you available to take on the new dungeon tonight?”
LILIA: Ah, yes! Our previous arrangements are finally seeing the light.
LILIA: “Yes, I am. I am looking forward to playing with you again.”
LILIA: “Signed, CrimsonMuscle”


SILVER: Please make sure not to stay up too late, Father.
SILVER: Staying up too late is not good for the body.
LILIA: Hahaha! I have retired from the front lines. I do not need to be in perfect condition all the time, child.
LILIA: I know you’ll take care of me, too.
SEBEK: Goodness! We still need a lot of your experience and wisdom, Lord Lilia!
SEBEK: Lord Lilia is our outstanding role model!!!!
LILIA: Come, now. I will not be young and sprightly forever.
LILIA: Hurry and grow into wonderful people, so this old man can rest at ease.
MALLEUS: ………………………………………

LILIA: Come, let us pray to the stars that we may return to our peaceful living.
MALLEUS: Indeed, Lilia.
LILIA: …………
LILIA: Countless times I have wished upon those stars, but… This time might be the last.
MALLEUS: …… What…?

LILIA: Human life is thin and fragile like the threads on a spindle.
LILIA: They are weak and fragile on their own, but for countless eras, they have sought companionship in each other to make themselves stronger.
LILIA: We are creatures of the night, and we share the world with these wonderful people.

MALLEUS: Fragile like the threads on a spindle…
LILIA: Did you say something, Malleus?
MALLEUS: It’s nothing. 

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

4 thoughts on “[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-89 Translations

  1. Good Lord above, I’m getting anxious and angst for the upcoming Diasomnia arc. Especially when we’re about to face Malleus’s you-know-what. This arc will probably test the strength of Malleus and Yuu’s friendship with one another. The question is, will it survive the outcome or will it become something much more, for better or for worse.


    1. Right?! The title of the chapter seems to show that Malleus is probably starting to get attached to humans and the way they live, and that maybe he’ll start having second thoughts about his own situation as the next in line and whatnot. I just hope that they’re all strong enough to handle what happens T^T


  2. Thank you so much for the translations ! Thanks to you I can truly enjoy the game’s story, I use the translator of my tablet so I can roughly understand what is said but it’s not the same as real translations. I want to ask though, will you translate Episode 7 when it comes out ?


    1. You’re very welcome! I’m so glad that you enjoyed them as well ^^
      Oh, yes! I’ll be continuing with Episode 7 when it comes out, too!


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