Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-88 Translations

It’s him again…! The one and only Mickey Mouse…! Alright, I kinda missed him, but the Japanese voice is still giving me a bit of whiplash LMAO
He definitely revealed a lot of telling things that, while it makes some sense, it only leaves a lot of unanswered questions… What exactly is Mickey’s role in this game is the one I ask myself the most.
Also, Yuu has been isekai’d into this world, but not recognizing Mickey means that he has no Disney in his world…???? Hmm…
Either way, it was a very interesting and insightful chapter! I really enjoy reading fan theories and headcanons about Mickey, so I’m glad he’s back!

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 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 88: “Hazy Dream!”

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Your Room]

GRIM: (snoring)… I did it~… I’m number one…

YUU: I’m so glad they all had fun playing.
YUU: We’re finally back home.

YUU: I haven’t seen Mickey in days thanks to all this chaos.
YUU: I need to tell Mickey that I found Grim.

(knock, knock)

MICKEY: Hey! Hello there!
MICKEY: Are you there, Yuu?

MICKEY: There you are, Yuu!
MICKEY: I’ve been worried about you since you said you’d go looking for your roommate.
MICKEY: Did you manage to find him?

(Yuu nods)

MICKEY: That’s good~!

GRIM: (snoring)… Who threw that item…? (mumbles)
GRIM: (mumbling)… I was just… Wha–!?
GRIM: Wh-what’s wrong!? Are we under attack again!?

YUU: Wake up, Grim! Mickey’s in the mirror!
YUU: Look, it’s Mickey! I wasn’t dreaming!

GRIM: Mickey…? In the mirror? What are you saying, Yuu?
GRIM: There’s nothing there. Are you hallucinating?
GRIM: Geez, I was just about to beat Idia and Ortho in the race, too, yanno…
GRIM: Imma go sleep and continue my dream… (mumbles, snores)

YUU: Grim can’t see Mickey?
YUU: (Am I the only one who can see Mickey…?)

MICKEY: Yuu? Is there someone else in the room with you?
MICKEY: Is it your roommate?

(Yuu nods)

MICKEY: It’s always so foggy, so I could only see you clearly.
MICKEY: Does this mean that I’m the only one you can see in the mirror, too?
MICKEY: I’m in a room with a big sofa, a dog-like ottoman, and a table with a nutcracker on it. Can you see?

(Yuu shakes head)

MICKEY: Hm, that’s strange and unfortunate.
MICKEY: It would’ve been fun if we could’ve made more friends like this.
MICKEY: Oh, that’s right! Speaking of friends…
MICKEY: I saw a strange person snooping around in your room while you were gone.
MICKEY: He had silver hair and really strange-colored eyes.
MICKEY: He left so quickly that I didn’t have time to ask his name…
MICKEY: It was my first time seeing another person here, so I was really shocked…
MICKEY: It’d be nice if you could visit my world, too!

(ring! ring!)

MICKEY: Oh! I need to get up now.
MICKEY: See you… soon… Yuu…

YUU: Is a world of dreams waiting beyond that mirror…?

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

4 thoughts on “[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-88 Translations

  1. Wait a minute, silver-haired person? Could it be Silver-senpai? And since Yuu doesn’t know that Mickey is the Main Mouse himself, does this mean that Disney doesn’t exist in the world where Yuu came from? And since Mickey can see Silver from the mirror, does this mean that he can also see Rook-senpai or Kalim-kun, since they have a thing in common. They can use light magic. Does this tell only Light magic users can only see Mickey?


    1. Silver was my first thought, too! Mickey mentioned that the person had strange-colored eyes, and Silver’s eyes are pretty unique. I just wonder what Silver was doing there in the first place (if it is him). 🤔
      I wonder if Silver (or whoever it could be) could sense Mickey or someone watching him while he was snooping around, too.

      It does make one think. doesn’t it? I wonder if Yuu’s only been made to think that he doesn’t recognize these characters or if Disney just doesn’t exist in Yuu’s original world.
      OH!! The Light magic users theory sounds interesting! Since Kalim’s the type who would probably believe in Mickey’s existence, too.


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