Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-86 Translations

Chapter 86! We’ve finally reached the Ignihyde Finale~! Our boys have gone on a really wild emotional rollercoaster this episode, but I’m so glad to see Idia back in his element, and that everyone’s there for him~! How do we like Ortho’s new fit though~?
Headmaster is still as shady as ever (what’s new?), but we’ll see how things progress from here!
OH!! Also, this is the only Rhythmic episode, and after all that battle, it’s definitely a welcome change~! The Rhythmic chibi animations were so cute, too~! I wanna squish them all.
Star Rogue makes a comeback, and wow… Imagine playing Meteor Mode in real life. How did Idia manage?!

As it is a finale chapter, it is quite long, so please be ready to read a wall of text ^^;

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 86: “Ignihyde Finale!”

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Lounge]

ORTHO: I’ll be joining Class 1-C starting today.
ORTHO: My name is Ortho Shroud!

EPEL: Wait, aren’t you an android, Ortho-kun…?
ORTHO: Yup, a magical humanoid, to be more precise.
ACE: A humanoid’s enrolling in our school!?
CROWLEY: Ahem. It’s true that Ortho Shroud isn’t really human.
CROWLEY: However, he is the first ever magical humanoid with a consciousness of his own.
KALIM: He has a consciousness of his own… This means, uh… What does it mean?
ORTHO: Simply put, I’m capable of making decisions and feeling emotions like any other human.
ORTHO: I was originally programmed with a pseudo-consciousness and personality, but…
ORTHO: I think getting hit repeatedly by lightning altered something within my circuits.
ORTHO: As a result, my cores became bugged with a “heart”.
KALIM: Whoa… I don’t really get it, but that sounds amazing.
ORTHO: Yup! It’s all a bit confusing, to be honest.
ORTHO: Both Brother and I can’t fully figure out what caused the whole thing yet either.
ORTHO: As such, I’ve been allowed admission to the school as Brother’s “research subject”!
ORTHO: Of course, this is all possible because of chance. But, if we could research it and improve its reproducibility, then it will prove to be a huge breakthrough for magical engineering!
ROOK: How wonderful… I am awestruck, Ortho-kun. Pardon…
ROOK: You are Monsieur Wonder!
ORTHO: Monsieur Wonder? Is that my nickname?
ROOK: Yes, indeed. Being bestowed with a heart must not have been mere coincidence.
ROOK: It is a miracle made possible by your strong feelings for each other as siblings!
ROOK: I am honored to have been witness to such a wonderful miracle. 

CROWLEY: Many students from our school, especially those from Ignihyde, aspire to work in magical engineering.
CROWLEY: Ortho-kun’s presence will prove to be a great motivation for all of them.
CROWLEY: Moreover…
CROWLEY: (quietly) The Shroud Family compensated us handsomely for the damage S.T.Y.X. caused…
CROWLEY: (quietly) They even donated so much to help improve our school facilities…
CROWLEY: (quietly) How could I deny them their request to let Ortho-kun study here…?
JAMIL & VIL: ………………………
JAMIL: I figured there was a catch.
VIL: Still, we can all agree that this is a win-win situation. 

CROWLEY: Ahem! There are classes, tests, and activities that he will not be able to join due to being a humanoid, of course.
CROWLEY: However, he is a full-fledged freshman starting today.
CROWLEY: Please treat him well.
ACE: An isekai’d dude, a magical beast, and now a humanoid classmate? That’s sick!
DEUCE: Haha! I think we’re the only school who can brag about that.
EPEL: Well, I’ll be… This is amazing…
GRIM: I don’t care who else joins! I’ll be takin’ the class valedictorian title!

YUU: Let’s be friends!
YUU: Congrats on enrollment! 

ORTHO: (chuckles) Please make friends with Brother, too!
IDIA: …… Nah, I’m good… Please treat me like a fly on the wall……
ORTHO: Geez, stop saying that, Brother…
ORTHO: Oh, that’s right! Don’t forget our present for Yuu and the others.
IDIA: S-sure… If you’d like, you can use this in your dorm…
GRIM: What’s with the big box?
ACE: Whoa! It’s a Wonder Link!
GRIM: Wonder Link? Wazzat?
DEUCE: It’s the latest game console. People are always lining up for it when it’s in stock.
IDIA: …You know, if these problem children didn’t resist in the first place, the roof and the floor wouldn’t have suffered so much…
IDIA: T-treat it as my compensation for having you guys stay in another dorm during renovations…
IDIA: Y-you can recycle it or auction it off if you don’t like it… 

YUU: Thank you very much!
YUU: I-I’m not going to sell it…

ORTHO: It’s been loaded with play store points, so you can buy up to 10 games you like.
ACE: For real!? Must be nice being Yuu~!
ORTHO: We already downloaded some of our recommended games, so please play them if you want.
GRIM: I wanna try playing some, Yuu!
ORTHO: Brother and I will set it up for you. Let’s play some games while we’re here!
CROWLEY: I will be taking my leave now. I still have a mountain of work to attend to.

CROWLEY: Grim-kun…
GRIM: Yeah?
CROWLEY: Have you experienced any sort of change while you were on the island?
GRIM: Hm? Nope, not that I can think of. I’m feelin’ really good!
GRIM: The medical exams said I’m good to go, too! I’m built tough, yanno?
CROWLEY: I heard that you received state-of-the-art blot care back at S.T.Y.X.
CROWLEY: I was really worried for a moment there…
CROWLEY: I’m so glad to see that you’re– No, that you are all back safely.
CROWLEY: Please excuse me now.
GRIM: What’s up with him? He’s really creeping me out, yanno?

ORTHO: Yay, we’ve finished setting it up!
VIL: I see all the 8-bit games we played are in it.
ORTHO: Ehehe~ I thought it’d be fun if we could play it again.
VIL: Now that you mention it, you never had your turn when we first played together.
IDIA: We’ve cleared all stages in hard mode and we’ve fought all the secret bosses, after all.
VIL: Hm~ Well, show us what you’ve got then.
ACE: Oh, great idea! I learn better by watching someone, actually.
GRIM: I wanna try Star Rogue! It sounds the coolest.
ORTHO: Let’s watch Brother play and clear the game in Meteor Mode without making any mistakes.
IDIA: Huh~~~… That defeats the purpose, doesn’t it…?
ORTHO: Watching you play normal levels won’t be as fun.
ORTHO: You gotta show them what you’re really made of, Brother~
ORTHO: Game start!

[RHYTHMIC: “Let’s play some games together!”]


ACE: Oh~
ACE: It’s 8-bit, but the opening movie is so awesome!
ORTHO: Right? It’s really stood the test of time–
ORTHO: Wait, your heart rate’s going 90 beats per minute, Brother…!
ORTHO: Are you feeling nervous?
IDIA: N-no, I’m not…!
IDIA: Having so many eyes on me is just making me self-conscious!
VIL: Are you really up for this, Idia?
VIL: It’s not too late to back out.
IDIA: Excuse me? I can clear this perfectly with my eyes closed!
IDIA: Watch and learn!


EPEL: Whoa!
EPEL: How is he able to do that when the enemies are all over!?
VIL: Idia’s reacting very well to them.
VIL: Well done.
ORTHO: Right?!
ORTHO: Vil Schoenheit just praised you, Brother!
IDIA: Aw, shucks~ You haven’t seen me at my best yet~
IDIA: I wouldn’t even call Meteor Mode a challenge.
IDIA: The real show’s about to begin!


ORTHO: Only the boss fight left. The enemy attacks are going to get more complicated.
ORTHO: But they’re no match for Brother!
JAMIL: To think he could actually do it…
JAMIL: That’s amazing.
ROOK: Ah, to see such gallant form persevere in the face of breathtaking hardships is marvelous!!
ROOK: Your talent for games is amazing, Idia-kun!
IDIA: Fuhihi…
IDIA: It’s not that I’m good. Everyone else is just lame~
ORTHO: You look so happy though~!
ORTHO: You should tell them you’re having fun, too!

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

2 thoughts on “[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-86 Translations

  1. After so many episodes, I really started to miss Crowley and his signature phase. But Crowley asking Grim how he feels made me a little suspicious. Either Grim won’t go to his berserk mode or Bird Man knows that Grim will someday Overblot again after the Diasomnia arc. On the side note, Ramshackle Dorm, home sweet home.


    1. Yes, exactly! He made the effort to rephrase “I’m glad to see you safe.” to a general “I’m glad to see you ALL safe.” That line just seems so sus
      I have a feeling that he probably orchestrated the whole thing, but is acting like he doesn’t know as usual. ><

      Yes~! It was so cute to see both Grim and Yuu so excited to be back home~


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