Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-85 Translations

So that’s where Headmaster’s been all this time! Man, I call him shady and sus a lot, but I kinda missed his very chaotic and slightly cryptid energy~! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
Yuu and friends just wanted to celebrate the new dorm, but Headmaster just had to spook everyone again LMAO But don’t worry, it’s all for a good reason~!

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 85: “Remodeling Celebration!”

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Foyer]

ACE: Heyo~! Congrats on the brand new dorm!
DEUCE: Whoa! It looked clean outside, but it’s even more amazing inside.
ACE: Haha! I can’t believe this place was crawling with dust just a few months ago!
DEUCE: This is a celebratory tart from Clover-senpai.
ACE: This is from us. We bought some new snacks and juice from the school shop.
GRIM: Nyaha~! Way to go~!

DEUCE: Hey, where are your manners? Don’t hand it over in the foyer.
GRIM: Whoa, this is a huge strawberry tart! Lesgo eat it!
CROWLEY: My, what a sound idea. May I join you?
DEUCE: When did you get back, Headmaster!?
ACE: Stop popping up out of nowhere, please!
CROWLEY: How rude. It was your decision to act surprised.
GRIM: Whatcha need now?
CROWLEY: I was making my rounds to ask the Prefects about the whole S.T.Y.X. incident.
IDIA: Um… H-hello…

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Lounge]

CROWLEY: My, that was quite an ordeal, I must say.
CROWLEY: I was called into Parliament, you see?
CROWLEY: S.T.Y.X. as well as high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic and the Ministry of Education interrogated me.
CROWLEY: “What is the cause of all these Overblots in such a short period of time!? Explain yourself!” They all looked very frightening…
CROWLEY: How could I possibly know!?
CROWLEY: How is this my fault? I’ve been doing my best managing the school, you know?!
CROWLEY: The Ministry of Education has even stationed counselors and doctors to our school…
CROWLEY: I was only let off the hook because they couldn’t see a problem with my guidance, but…
CROWLEY: I never imagined that more students would cause trouble while I was away!
IDIA: ……………………… Sorry.
CROWLEY: Fortunately, our students proved exceptional and worked very hard to avert the crisis…
CROWLEY: It’s thanks to their efforts that we were applauded for the quality of your education.
CROWLEY: Regarding Idia Shroud’s situation, well…
CROWLEY: His parents, himself, and I have come to an agreement that he will continue his education here.
CROWLEY: Please treat him nicely.
IDIA: ………………………… Thanks…

VIL: You’ve been avoiding our eyes, and you haven’t been speaking up…
VIL: You don’t look like you’re ready to make friends…
CROWLEY: Ah, yes. I have a new student I’d like to introduce to everyone.
GRIM: A new student?
???: Hello, it’s been a while! 

ORTHO: I’ll be joining Class 1-C starting today.
ORTHO: My name is Ortho Shroud!

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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