Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-83 Translations

Um, one thing I can say about this chapter that will probably be a bit spoilery (but not too much, I hope?) is “Baymax” LMAO
Alright, joking aside, this chapter is a bit on the emotional side. I mean, the writers sure weren’t messing around…! They sure know how to build a scene up, and I’m so glad we’re here to witness it.

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 83: “Challenging Recovery!”

IDIA: That should do it…
IDIA: If it could read this, I’d consider it a success…

IDIA: I need to fix everything I can while I’m here.


IDIA: Hm? What was that?
IDIA: That’s the thing Sir Grim spit out…
IDIA: Wh-what…?! Why did he swallow this!? How…? Wait, never mind!
IDIA: If I use this, then maybe…!!

IDIA: Ortho’s gear was equipped with this memory card before he was surrounded by the Phantoms…
IDIA: All of Ortho’s current AI programs should still be saved inside, but…
IDIA: What if he goes berserk again…?
IDIA: This time, I promise I will…
IDIA: N-no, it’s alright. The program wasn’t bugged in the first place.
IDIA: … Here goes nothing.

ORTHO: Energy levels: 100%. Magical reactor is activating. All systems are stable.
IDIA: Y-yes, that’s good…!
ORTHO: Scanning the memory card… 54%, 83%… Complete.
IDIA: Please work…!
ORTHO: Reactivating the Magical Humanoid ORTHO.

IDIA: …… Good morning… Do you recognize me?
ORTHO: Good morning, Brother.
ORTHO: How am I here…? I thought I was dragged into the Underworld with “him”
IDIA: Sir Grim swallowed your memory card. Thanks to him, I was able to revive you.
ORTHO: I see… I didn’t know… Does that mean that “he’s” already…
ORTHO: I’m a bit confused… I have the memory card, but my core parts feel strangely warm.
IDIA: D-does it feel bad?
ORTHO: No, that’s not it. My body is working perfectly.
ORTHO: It’s just… I can feel Ortho here with me.
ORTHO: My internal circuits are normal, but it feels warm… I– I don’t know why either…
IDIA: I… I see. Ah, um… What would you like me to call you?
ORTHO: Huh? Why are you asking me that?
IDIA: You don’t have to pretend to be Ortho anymore…
IDIA: Thank you for being my little brother all these years.
ORTHO: ……… You don’t need a brother anymore…?
IDIA: No, that’s not it. Um… It’s a bit of a long story…
IDIA: I’m not sure if it’s because your memory card has been affected by the blot, or if it’s because you’ve been hit by lightning multiple times, but…
IDIA: Your magical circuits have been altered.
ORTHO: Altered how? My thought patterns and learning algorithms are working normally.
IDIA: Your circuits no longer accept external interference.
IDIA: This would mean that you’re the only one capable of overwriting your own data.
ORTHO: Is it an unfixable bug?
IDIA: Yes, but let me rephrase it in a better way…
IDIA: You have gained your own consciousness… In other words, a “heart”.
ORTHO: I have… a heart?
IDIA: Yes, no one in this world can overwrite your memories and your emotions now.
IDIA: Even I cannot interfere with it.
IDIA: Everything that you do now will be from your own will… Let your heart speak to you.
IDIA: You don’t have to limit yourself to being “Idia Shroud’s little brother” anymore.
IDIA: You are free.
ORTHO: Free…… 

ORTHO: Yes, I understand. Then… 

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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