Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-82 Translations

Whoa, so many things were very enjoyable this chapter!
We have Vil, Rook, and Epel being all cute together and celebrating in the most adorable way possible! Vil’s happy shriek was so cute~
Then we have Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu’s really funny and just wholesome friendship, too~
To top it off, we have started seeing hints of what could potentially be a strong contender for the Diasomnia conflict…! They’re spoiling us in just one chapter, guys!

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 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 82: “Anguished Beauty!”

[LOCATION: Sports Field]

MALLEUS: I thought only a couple of days had passed, but…
MALLEUS: My, these 80 years sure passed me by.
MALLEUS: I was aware of the transient nature of human life, but this is certainly surprising…
VIL: Do not say such ominous things!
VIL: Not many people would appreciate your fae humor… Ugh…
LILIA: Pray, Vil. Have you entered the Underworld, by any chance?
LILIA: A live human cannot stay in it longer than they should. Magic and life get drained until you succumb.
ROOK: Ah, yes… We just thwarted a plot that would’ve brought the world’s destruction at the hands of Phantoms and their blot.
LILIA: My word…!
ROOK: To help save the world, Vil jumped into the Underworld despite the dangers…
VIL: … I’ve done something very foolish.
VIL: I worked very hard so we could return to our old lives, and this is what I got for it… I definitely had my priorities backwards…
VIL: I couldn’t help myself back then… (sobs)
LILIA: Now, now. You did well coming back alive.
MALLEUS: Ah, so time had not taken its toll on Schoenheit yet.
MALLEUS: He had been simply drained of his life and magical forces, I see.
ROOK: Yes, we couldn’t find him help on the island, so we hastened to get back.
LILIA: My, the youth of today are so compassionate…
LILIA: Say, Malleus.
LILIA: Had these malicious spirits been released from the Underworld, our hometown would have surely suffered, too.
LILIA: Now, as the Valley’s successor, should you not reward him for his sacrifice?
MALLEUS: Hm, I know just what you have in mind, Lilia.
MALLEUS: He does owe me a favor for the help I provided during the VDC, but…
MALLEUS: He has certainly gone over and beyond to repay me.
MALLEUS: Very well. Your hard work deserves a reward.
VIL: A reward…?
MALLEUS: I cannot turn back time itself. However, I can share some of my powers with you.
VIL: What…?
MALLEUS: I speak a blessing unto you, Schoenheit.
MALLEUS: … Return to who you once were!

VIL: Huh…? I’m… I–
VIL: No way!! Am I back to normal!?
ROOK: Yes, you look 18 once again!
EPEL: I’m so happy for you, Vil-san!
ROOK: Vil!? | EPEL: Vil-san!?
ROOK: Oh, dear…! He’s collapsed on the ground… Are you still in pain!?
VIL: Oh, no. I felt so relieved that my legs gave in… Ahahahaha!
EPEL: Geez, don’t spook us like that! You scared me half to death!

GRIM: Crying and now laughing. You can be such a handful, yanno?

YUU: All’s well that ends well, right?
YUU: Thank you for the help, Tsunotarou!

MALLEUS: Welcome back, Yuu. Good… It looks like you are in no particular danger.

GRIM: Yo, Ace! Deuce!!

YUU: We’re back!
YUU: Feeling better now, guys?

ACE: “We’re back!” my butt!!!!! You big dummy!!
GRIM: Ow! Stop it with the noogies, man!
ACE: Shut up! You should be glad this is all you’re gettin’ from me, idiot!
GRIM: What!?
DEUCE: The whole infirmary was in an uproar when Epel and Yuu disappeared with Hunt-senpai…
ACE: We figured you’d all be together, but…
ACE: We couldn’t reach you by phone, and the teachers couldn’t locate you with magic either…
DEUCE: These past two days have been an anxiety rollercoaster…!!

YUU: Sorry for worrying you.
YUU: I just wanted to do something…

ACE: Geez~~~~~~… Didn’t you already learn your lesson during the winter holidays?
DEUCE: You two look okay, so that’s a huge relief…
GRIM: Nyahahaha!
ACE: Whatcha laughin’ at, Grim!? This ain’t funny!
GRIM: You two must’ve been so lonely without me, huh~!
DEUCE & ACE: Wha–!?
GRIM: Geez, you two are hopeless without me. Don’t be shy. I’m willing to listen, yanno!
DEUCE: You’re really letting this get to your head– Huh?
GRIM: I… I’m really back… (sniffs)(sobs)…!
GRIM: I couldn’t bear not seeing you two again, so… I…
GRIM: (crying hysterically)~~~~~~~~~~~!!

ACE: Whoa, dude…! What’s wrong?
DEUCE: Don’t get your snot on my uniform, Grim!!
ACE: Geez, look who’s eating their words now…?
DEUCE: Your ears better be ready for Professor Crewel’s hounding.

LILIA: (chuckles) Ah, youth.
MALLEUS: …… Lilia…
MALLEUS: Schoenheit’s condition was due to the “exhaustion” he experienced after getting too close to the Underworld.
MALLEUS: Thankfully, we were able to resolve it with my magic…
MALLEUS: But, do humans really change that drastically in more or less a hundred years?
MALLEUS: How fragile……
LILIA: Yes, indeed.
LILIA: Human life is thin and fragile like the threads on a spindle.
LILIA: They are weak and fragile on their own, but for countless eras, they have sought companionship in each other to make themselves stronger.
LILIA: We are creatures of the night, and we share the world with these wonderful people.
MALLEUS: …………… 

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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