Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-81 Translations

Chapter 81! Last chapter update for today~! We’re really nearing the end of this episode, and I’ve had a really fun time despite the emotional rollercoaster with the towers and the Tartarus battles!
I’m so happy to see them all reunited with their friends, too~! Kalim was my favorite part of it, ngl o(≧▽≦)o
Hopefully they can all be chill and have more happy moments before the Diasomnia episode rolls around and then they’re thrown into another hectic battle LOL

I’ll try to update tomorrow, but I’ll be away so if not, I’ll do some more on Monday after work~! Thank you for your patience with me! Have a great weekend to you all~ (((o(*°▽°*)o)))

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 81: “Triumphant Students’ Return!”

[LOCATION: Sports Field]

LEONA: Ah, shut it. I don’t need you guys wailing in my ears, too.
RUGGIE: Explain yourself, Leona-san! They just took you and now they’re just giving you back? What gives?
LEONA: I’ll explain later. I just fought my ass off all night. I wanna sleep.
JACK: What did you fight that took all night…?
RUGGIE: I’m even more confused now.
LEONA: (sighs)… I just want to eat, bathe, and go to bed.
LEONA: Go make somethin’ to eat, Ruggie. I want lots of meat.


KALIM: I’m so glad you’re safe! I’ve been worried sick! Are you hurt? Let me see you up close!
JAMIL: My back hurts after being tackled, so there’s that…
KALIM: I’m sorry! … Wait, you’re all scratched up!
KALIM: What happened?! No, you can explain later!
KALIM: I’m gonna call home and ask them to send us the best doctors!
JAMIL: No need! (sighs)… Really, you…
JAMIL: Who knew I’d feel so relieved seeing your face like this.
JAMIL: Anyway, you’re heavy, so please move.
KALIM: …… Sorry… I feel so relieved that I can’t move an inch…
JAMIL: What…?
KALIM: I’ve been soooooooooo worried since they took you away.
KALIM: Jade was all “We might not see them return alive…” too! 

JADE: I was simply trying to state the possibilities. I never meant to cause you such worry…
AZUL: My, my. I wish you wouldn’t kill me off just like that.
JADE: Pardon me.
JADE: I’m so glad to see you’re back home safe, Azul…
FLOYD: Aha~ Hello, Azul~
FLOYD: That was kinda fast. Did you all beat the bad guys up so you could go home?
AZUL: It’s quite the long story, but that’s a good way to summarize it, Floyd.
AZUL: Have you been managing the Lounge while I was away?
FLOYD: Ugh… I knew he’d ask…
JADE: Yes, we opened the shop, but the whole school was in such disarray that we barely had any customers.
AZUL: That means two consecutive days with no income! What a travesty.
AZUL: I must request S.T.Y.X. to compensate us for this loss.
AZUL: I must hurry to the lounge and check…

RIDDLE: Hold on, Azul. You must head to the infirmary to get treated.
FLOYD: Whoa! The Goldfish turned into a white killifish!
FLOYD: Whassup with that~?
RIDDLE: Killifish…? Azul already said so, didn’t he? It’s a really long story. 

TREY: Riddle!! I’m so glad you’re okay– HAH!!
CATER: Why’s your hair so white, Riddle-kun!? What did you do?!
RIDDLE: Sorry for worrying you two. It’s a long story, so can it wait until after we’ve finished with treatment?
TREY: Y-yes, of course. You’re covered in scratches, so let’s go to the infirmary.
CATER: What a shocker~ I thought you turned into a grandpa~
RIDDLE: Indeed. If Azul hadn’t kept us on our toes, I might’ve turned into an old man, too.
TREY:“Too”…? What do you mean…?

VIL: Ugh… I’ve had enough. What if I never turn back?
TREY & CATER: !!??
CATER: Huh…? Wait, what…? That uniform… Vil-kun, is that you!?
RIDDLE: Yes, he’s in much worse shape than I. Let’s hurry and escort him to the infirmary.

LILIA: I was wondering what all the noise was about. It seems like our friends are back!
LILIA: I’m so glad to see you’re all okay.
VIL: Okay!? What part of me looks okay?

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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