Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-76 Translations

Chapter 76, a.k.a. Waterworks Part 2! Gosh, I never thought I’d cry as much as I did in this episode…! The voice acting, the script, the emotions… It was like one painful punch after another. I can’t even begin to imagine the grief Idia had to go through after everything that happened, and then Ortho just had to hit us with the most bittersweet dialogue I’ve ever read. (╥﹏╥)

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 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 76: “Weary Genius!”

RESEARCHER A: Master Idia’s locked himself up in his room for over two years now…
RESEARCHER B: He’s closed his heart ever since he lost Master Ortho.
RESEARCHER C: He’s been ordering a lot of magical circuits and parts lately. What in the world does he need them for…?

ADOLESCENT IDIA: Pa-pa-pa-pam! HAH! I did it!! It’s complete!
ADOLESCENT IDIA: I’ve finally got him back!
RESEARCHER A: M-Master Idia!? Wh-whatever do you mean by that?
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Hihihi~! Ortho, of course!
ORTHO: Hello, everyone. I am Ortho.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Whatcha think!? I managed to recreate Ortho’s memories and thought patterns completely.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: His AI is also equipped with self-learning algorithms.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: It’s a magical humanoid capable of individual growth. It’s the only one in the world, and I call it ORTHO!!
RESEARCHER A: Y-you created your own brother…?
RESEARCHER B: That’s taboo, Master Idia!
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Excuse me? A hero diving into the Underworld to save his girlfriend is celebrated, right? If he can do that, then why can’t I save my own brother?
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Ah, whatever. Normies wouldn’t understand.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: How about you stop judging me and take your subjective ethics and sentimental arguments somewhere else?
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Even without an intangible thing such as a soul, my little brother is here.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: He’s stronger and sturdier than any living human, so he won’t get destroyed that easily.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: I’m sure he can go to the ends of the galaxy with enough improvements! Isn’t that right, Ortho?
ORTHO: Yeah! “Blast through the distance like the shooting star you are!”
ADOLESCENT IDIA: That’s right…! Hihi~ The Chronos Force and even the Phantoms are no match for Ortho now.
ADOLESCENT IDIA: Ortho can become a hero now, too… Fuhihi… (sobbing)……
ORTHO: Your prefrontal cortex is active and is affecting your autonomic nervous system. Moderate rest is recommended. 

IDIA: –Where did I go wrong?
IDIA: If only we didn’t leave that day…
IDIA: No, if only I didn’t admire heroes so much…
IDIA: If only I hadn’t been born into the Shroud Family in the first place…
IDIA: What if… What if we were born into a normal family…?
IDIA: We’d be playing games, hanging out with friends, maybe even start talking about our future together…
IDIA: I could have been a real hero someday.
IDIA: How did things end up this way?
IDIA: We just wanted to be like everyone else. 

ORTHO: Big Brother?

– …… Ortho…? –

ORTHO: Thank you for looking out for me. You’ve made me so happy.
ORTHO: But, you can’t be here yet, Big Brother.

– … Ortho… Why? I want to go with you. We made a promise, didn’t we? –

ORTHO: Yes, but it can wait.
ORTHO: You still have comics to read, concerts to watch, and new games to play, don’t you…?
ORTHO: You love this world too much to give up on it completely.

– What!? Who said I loved this rotten world!? –
– All that nonsense can just disappear! –

ORTHO: Not everything has to make sense. You shouldn’t have to give up on anything ever again.
ORTHO: You have your future ahead of you, Big Brother.
ORTHO: You see, I want you to fulfill the dreams we talked about that day.

– Our dreams…? –

ORTHO: I’m sure it will take a long time. You might feel like giving up along the way, but…
ORTHO: I know… I’m sure you can go anywhere, Brother.
ORTHO: It may be long and tiring, but you’ll get there someday.
ORTHO: It’s okay. I’ll be right there with you always.
ORTHO: Please, don’t give up yet–

– Wait, Ortho… –
– ORTHO–!!! –

???: IDIA!!!

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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