Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-75 Translations

We finally get the Shroud Brothers origin story…! As much as I want to say that I was chill the whole time, I was actually a crying mess. Please prepare some tissues, and maybe an emotional support plushie when playing through this chapter in the game because the pain and the feels might get too much…
(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ <hugs for everyone~

I don’t want to say too much anymore because it’ll end up being spoilery, so please read ahead and enjoy~!

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 75: “Regretful Child!”

IDIA: My life has been set in stone even before I was born.
IDIA: “The Island of Woe’s Gatekeeper.”
IDIA: That was the path laid out for me.
IDIA: All those born in the Shroud Family have been cursed to burn blot away…
IDIA: Our unique magic allows us to open and close the Gate to the Underworld.

RESEARCHER A: Master Idia shows exceptional talent for academics as well as for magic.
RESEARCHER A: Experts have vouched for his skills in magical engineering. He is a born genius, indeed.
RESEARCHER B: Yes, S.T.Y.X’s future is in good hands. 

IDIA: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
IDIA: It’s a question adults ask most children.
IDIA: Just once is enough. Someone please ask me what I want, too.

YOUNG IDIA & ORTHO: “Blast through the distance like the shooting star you are!”
YOUNG ORTHO: You can do it, Big Brother! The Chronos Force is no match for you!
YOUNG IDIA: Yay! That’s a perfect record! Take that, hard mode!
YOUNG ORTHO: Way to go, Big Brother! Hah, bow before him, Chronos Force!
YOUNG IDIA: Hah… I want to go on an adventure like the hero in Star Rogue, too…
YOUNG ORTHO: Me, too! I wanna go on an adventure with you!
YOUNG ORTHO: We’ll defeat evil and become heroes!
YOUNG IDIA: Heroes, huh… You have a good shot, but I don’t think I’m cut out for it…
YOUNG ORTHO: Why not? I wanna be heroes together.
YOUNG IDIA: I have to inherit the lab when I grow up, so I can’t…
YOUNG ORTHO: How about before you grow up?
YOUNG IDIA: Before I become a real adult, you mean…?
YOUNG ORTHO: Yeah! We can go on a journey before you’re all grown up, right?
YOUNG IDIA: Yeah…! I think we can make that work.
YOUNG IDIA: If I disable the security system, we can leave the island through Okeanos Hall…
YOUNG IDIA: After that, we can…
YOUNG IDIA: Let’s go on an adventure.
YOUNG ORTHO: !! Yeah! I wanna go!
YOUNG IDIA: Alright! Let Big Brother handle this!

IDIA: It was just childish curiosity.
IDIA: We just wanted to go on a little journey.
IDIA: I didn’t think of the consequences.
IDIA: I didn’t know that would happen–

YOUNG IDIA: Hee-hee~ Disarming the security system’s a piece of cake.
YOUNG IDIA: Hey, hey. You guys should revamp your whole system~
YOUNG ORTHO: Whoa… This is my first time here.
YOUNG IDIA: Stay behind me now, Ortho.
YOUNG IDIA: We’ll need an amphibious vehicle if we want to leave through Okeanos Hall.
YOUNG IDIA: Give me a sec. I just need to hack into the hangar’s system, and then…

ANNOUNCEMENT: Emergency alert. HQ security system is being hacked by an unknown assailant. Shutdown is imminent.
ANNOUNCEMENT: All Tartarus asylum locks have been disabled. Subject ROS-3367A has escaped from the lab.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Charon Units have been deployed to Tartarus! All non-combat units, please evacuate to the shelters!

YOUNG ORTHO: Wh-what’s that sound, Big Brother…?
YOUNG IDIA: W-wait… Did I turn off the wrong security system…?
YOUNG IDIA: I– I need to fix this…!
YOUNG ORTHO: B-Big Brother…!
YOUNG IDIA: I-it’s alright. I’m right here with you.
YOUNG ORTHO: I–I know, but… Th-there’s something over there, Big Brother!

???: (growling)
YOUNG IDIA: (shrieks)… A monster!?
???: (snarls)… GRAAAAAHHHH!!

IDIA: I don’t remember much after that.
IDIA: Ortho was already gone when I woke up.

RESEARCHER A: Unbelievable… A 10-year-old managed to hack into the world’s most reinforced security system…
RESEARCHER C: He was too smart for his own good. His intellect brought such tragedy about…
RESEARCHER A: The escaped Phantom was apparently sent to the Underworld.
RESEARCHER B: Sadly, the inevitability of the event can’t erase the tragic truth…

YOUNG IDIA: It was my fault. If only I didn’t suggest going.
YOUNG IDIA: What kind of genius can’t even protect his own brother…? I’m no hero!
YOUNG IDIA: Give him back… Give Ortho back to me…
YOUNG IDIA: I want him all back… His body, his personality, his memories… GIVE HIM BACK!!

– …I know…… –
– If they won’t give him back, I can just make a new one… –
– It’s alright… I remember everything. I can perfectly create a new Ortho. –
– I promised that we would go on an adventure… –
– Let Big Brother handle this… –

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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