Posted in Twisted Wonderland

[Twisted Wonderland] Episode 6-73 Translations

One more round against Idia and Ortho! This is the final battle for this episode, but it is a tough one! Please get ready for a beating when entering the chapter!
Boy, I did say I missed that battle dynamic back during Episode 5 since I prefer it over Rhythmic, but… wow, did they give us too much of it this time! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
I do love how every single chapter this episode has been exhilarating, and that there was so much depth and love poured into each and every one of them.

I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter as well! The waterworks are bound to come in the next few chapters, so I hope you’re ready for them as well~!

※ Please don’t re-post these translations anywhere without permission. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ^^
 Re-translations (to another language) using my translations are 100% okay, but with credit, please ^^

Under the cut, enjoy~!

[Episode 6: The Keeper of the Underworld]

Chapter 73: “Rule Clarification!”

[LOCATION: S.T.Y.X. Tartarus]

IDIA: Ortho… Ortho! Are you alright?
ORTHO: Big Brother… Y-yeah, I’m fine. I still feel a little tingly, so I can’t move that well…
IDIA: The Lightning Spear… All this time, I thought it was just decoration, so that really took me by surprise.
ORTHO: S.T.Y.X. arms I can control just fine, but something that ancient is beyond me, I’m sorry.
ORTHO: The spear surpassed my calculations.
ORTHO: They even managed to reinforce it by channeling their own magical energy.
IDIA: Tch… This is exactly why I hate hot-headed players!
ORTHO: All we have to do is counter them with power.
ORTHO: It’s okay. My body is super tanky, so it’ll hold. Plus, I feel invincible with you by my side, Big Brother.
IDIA: We’re almost there… Can you hold on a bit longer?
ORTHO: Yup! My friends can still fight.
PHANTOMS: Out… soon… freedom…
PHANTOM: Finally… happy… so happy…
GRIM: (growling, snarling)… Stone… 

ORTHO: Let’s go, Ortho.
ORTHO: Yes, Big Brother.

[LOCATION: S.T.Y.X. Tartarus – Emergency Exit]

YUU: They’ve started climbing back up again!
YUU: Grim…!

STAFF A: The Lightning Spear is 80% charged!
STAFF B: We tried rerouting all the energy toward it, but we couldn’t get it to 100%…!
VIL: 80% will do, thank you.
ROOK: The battle will take place here, so please find somewhere safe to hide!
STAFF A: … Understood. Please be safe.

VIL: Let us review, shall we?
VIL: First, we must separate Idia from his Phantom to free him from his Overblot state.
VIL: Next, we pry Grim off from Ortho, and then…
VIL: We will send all those Phantoms that have fused with Ortho back into the Underworld.
VIL: Lastly, we must reactivate the Cerberus System so we can seal Tartarus and the Underworld for good.
EPEL: We can do this…
EPEL: We saved Vil-san from his Phantom and still managed to dance in the VDC.
EPEL: We can fight…!
VIL: Bold words from a little seedling.
ROOK: That’s our Monsieur Crab Apple.
ROOK: We have finished preparing. Control Room, how is Cerberus looking?
STAFF B: It’s a bit complex…
STAFF B: The Cerberus System is capable of sealing Tartarus and the Underworld, yes.
STAFF B: However, only members of the Shroud Family are able to shut it down and restore it.
STAFF B: A member of their family caused all of this.
STAFF B: I’ve tried inputting the emergency control codes a number of times, but Ortho keeps overwriting them. It won’t accept commands from an outside source.
STAFF B: We’ve tried everything, but…
VIL: Well, then. Let’s have the perpetrator fix everything, shall we?
VIL: Leave Idia and Ortho to us.
STAFF B: Understood… We will do everything we can to provide you with back up.

EPEL: Do you think Idia-san will listen to us…?
VIL: I’ll force him if I have to. This is the Night Raven College way, is it not?
EPEL: What exactly do you mean…?
VIL: Have you forgotten what I told you during the opening ceremony, little darling?
VIL: In Night Raven College, the weak must follow the strong.
VIL: Losers have no right to complain.
VIL: When we’re done with him, Idia will listen to us whether he likes it or not.
ROOK: A dog eat dog world, eh? Our school traditions are simply beautiful!

EPEL: They’re here…!
EPEL: I’ll drive the Chariot. Please focus on attacking.
ROOK: Can you handle piloting it?
EPEL: Hehe~ I helped out a lot with the farming equipment back at home. I’ve had my fair share of experience with roof buggies!
EPEL: Get on!

[LOCATION: S.T.Y.X. Tartarus]

VIL: Listen well, my dears. This is the final defense line.
ROOK: Oui, we can’t lose this fight if we want to get back home…
EPEL: We’re the only ones who can save Grim-kun now.
EPEL: Get ready, Yuu.
VIL: We are Night Raven College’s oldest and most beautiful dorm…
VIL: It’s time to let the world see Pomefiore’s undying spirit!
VIL: Let’s go!

ORTHO: Look up there, Big Brother!
ORTHO: It’s the tank and the DPS’s party. They have two shielders with them, too. It’s very fitting for the final fight.
IDIA: Ah… You are a persistent bunch.
IDIA: Our goal is near… We cannot afford to fall here…!

IDIA: Why do you keep getting in our way? You wanna be heroes that badly? Give me a break!
VIL: Heroes? I like the sound of that. It’s a role I’ve always been curious about.
VIL: But, heroes or villains don’t exist here.
VIL: You and I are just classmates.
VIL: Only the last one standing will get a shot at their dreams.
VIL: Come, let us hold nothing back, shall we?
VIL: I will be the one standing tall until the end!

[BATTLE: Overblot Idia and Phantom Ortho – Part 3]


IDIA: This is the final battle…
ORTHO: Let’s go, Big Brother!



Infinite Turns Battle. Battle doesn’t end until one of you reaches 0 HP!
Idia and Ortho’s HP = 60,000!
Idia recovers 3000 HP per turn. They will sometimes apply buffs to themselves or debuffs to your party.
※ This is the hardest one yet, so focus on exploiting weaknesses. Have characters that can heal or give buffs if you have any. Cards with high magic level can be a game changer, too.
※ If you have cards that have the needed element, plus good buddy level bonus, try bringing them, too!


ORTHO: Ah… Big Brother… I’m going to fall…
IDIA: Ortho!

VIL: Now!
VIL: Let’s end this once and for all!
ROOK: Leave the aiming to me, King of Poisons!
EPEL: We’ll send them flying back down!

[To be continued]


Hi, I'm Kana! Most probably know me from Tumblr, but to those who are new, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay~! I'm still on Tumblr, albeit semi-inactive due to IRL stuff, but I'll be posting some things here occasionally (mostly for TWST)! **All translations are for personal use only so please don't re-upload or share anywhere else.**

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